The Hospice Volunteer Training Series by Pat Carver
A SYSTEM for training hospice volunteers - On-Line & In Class
New Volunteer Orientation * In-Services * Administrative & Bereavement Training
Pat Carver Media
Richmond, CA 94805
Phone 800.328.4160
FAX 888.788.5619
PORTAL Help Page
E-Learning Portals require that Browsers allow Pop-ups & enable JavaScript. If an E-Learning Course fails to launch or play, please check your Browser settings and/or try a different Browser. See information below for how to check settings on several Browsers. You may also download a Help file here.
Internet Explorer
Safari 6 or later
Safari automatically allows Pop-ups... unless you have checked "Block pop-up windows".
If a Course fails to launch, check your Pop-up settings.
Cookies should be automatically saved on Safari.
Firefox 27 or later
Firefox automatically allows Pop-ups unless you have checked "Block pop-up windows".
If a Course fails to launch, check your Pop-up settings .
JavaScript should be automatically enabled in Firefox.
Trouble shooting LINK for JavaScript in Firefox:
Cookies should be automatically saved on Firefox.
Chrome 28 or later
Please follow directions below to check your settings and make adjustments as needed.
Go to any E-Learning Portal.
Internet Explorer 10, 11, Edge (may require Compatibility View), or later
Internet Explorer allows Pop-ups unless at some point you have blocked Pop-ups.
If your e-learning Course window fails to pop up, check the following.
JavaScript should be automatically enabled in Internet Explorer
Video Portal #1
E-Learning On-Line Portals:
iPads & iPhones - IOS 6 or later
Android Devices - Android 4.1 or later
AUDIO - Volume
Some devices use 2 volume controls. One control is for system sounds, such as beeps, rings, etc. The other volume control is for media, such as videos/e-learning. Be sure you know how to control the volume on your device.
The Hospice Volunteer Training Series by Pat Carver - A SYSTEM for training hospice volunteers - on-line & in class.
New Volunteer Orientation * Annual Review * Bereavement * Vigil * Abuse * Boundaries * In-Services
Photos by Pat Carver
© 2024 Pat Carver Media All Rights Reserved